Lobster Hole Point at Hog Cay, Ragged Island, Bahamas

After a long day and night of sailing, we were glad to finally drop anchor at Lobster Hole Point at Hog Cay. It was around 2am but there weren’t many boats and we’ve been there the year before, so we were familiar with the anchorage and it didn’t present any difficulties.

A good night’s rest was all we needed and around mid day we headed to the beach and took a hike to House Bay on the southern side of Hog Cay. We spent a lovely afternoon just lazing around and enjoying the calm weather in the protection of the bay.

Great way to spend some time after a long sail.
Conch all dressed up and nowhere to go!

As usual, we were back on the boat before dark and had a delicious meal of conch fritters and a platter of snack foods like gherkins, hummus, cheese, artichoke hearts and some fermented veggies.

The next morning the wind has changed direction and we realized that we missed our window to go further east to Acklin’s Island, but for the moment we were content and happy where we were – we didn’t realize that the winds would not change again this season to enable us to go the Acklin Island, but there’s always next year.

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